The RABapp™ swine latest updates: August 11, 2024

- NEW map maker allows producer to make their map directly in RABapp™
- NEW US SHIP certification integrations with US SHIP repository
- Overall bug fixes in UI

The Rapid Access Biosecurity (RAB) app™ standardizes Secure Pork Supply (SPS) biosecurity plans and creates maps to visualize the biosecurity infrastructure of individual farms across multiple states. In each state, the RABapp™ provides the pork producer and Department of Agriculture with rapid access to approved biosecurity plans status to expedite outbreak responses. For more information about SPS Secure Pork Supply please visit the SPS website. At the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, the Machado Lab is working with pork producers, state veterinary health officials and practitioners to ensure all stakeholders have rapid access to critical, enhanced SPS biosecurity plans. We welcome question via main email address at or by phone at (919) 513-0781.

Current states utilizing RABapp™: In total 23 State Animal Health Official (SAHO) are currently using the RABapp™ or at final arrangements/agreements to utilize the RABapp™. If you want to join please read more here.

“In Oklahoma, we encourage all swine producers to develop Secure Pork Supply plans specific to their operation regardless of the size or number of hogs they own. To assist producers in developing these enhanced biosecurity plans, Oklahoma utilizes RABapp™, which standardizes the plan to be consistent with participating state SPS planning efforts.” Alicia Gorczyca-Southerland DVM, Assistant State Veterinarian, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Animal Industry Division.

More information about the RABapp™


Join the RABapp™

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The Rapid Access Biosecurity (RAB) app™

RABapp is a web-based tool for enhancing on-farm biosecurity preparedness and contact tracing across the U.S.

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Secure Pork Supply plans (SPS)

SPS written and map

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Movement and farm type in RABapp™

Traceability and types of farms

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Epidemiological models

The set up transmission models available include PRRSV and ASF

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