The 2018 PEDv and PRRSv seasons were the less severe in the past six years. This could be related to innumerous factors: virus genetics and evolution, improvement in farm biosecurity, the introduction of new PRRSv vaccines in the marketplace among other factors. Despite the unexplained reduction in the number of new cases last year, both viruses are still spreading throughout the country. Therefore, without improvements in the understanding of how these viruses spread between-farm, it is difficult to answer questions related to the main route of transmission, and best control interventions. The main transmission routes used by both viruses have been related to the movement of infected pigs (dead or alive), people and feed, and spillover from nearby infected farms. Thus, our objective is to assess the relative contribution of those main routes on the between-farm transmission of PEDv and PRRSv.

The main objective here is the development of an epidemiological model that use cases of PEDv and PRRSv observed during the routine surveillance to: i) map the current and future transmission risk areas, and ii) quantify the contribution of the main transmission routes for PEDv and PRRSv


  1. Modelling and assessing additional transmission routes for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: vehicle movements and feed ingredients-2021


We are grateful for the funding agencies: