Gustavo Machado, Ph.D.
Gustavo Machado, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Short curriculum vitae

gmachad (at)
Office (919) 513-6249

Scholar Citations

The Machado Lab is led by Gustavo Machado, an associate professor at the North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine at the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, with an affiliation with the Center for Geospatial Analytics.

His research develops mathematical methods using contact networks and population dynamics to develop multiscale disease control strategies to reduce the burden of livestock and poultry endemic and emerging diseases. His work encompasses various aspects of disease modeling, including developing mathematical models fitted to real-world populations, animal/semen, and vehicle movement data. Dr. Machado has experience in the regulatory aspects of disease control, nationally and internationally. He works in close partnership with government, industry, and academic stakeholders nationally and internationally and provides training. Dr. Machado is also the founder and lead manager of the RABapp™ systems.