The RABapp™ staff work with livestock producers from setting up an RABapp™ to obtaining biosecurity approval from your state department of agriculture. The RABapp™ has established the necessary methodology to achieve standardization of swine, cattle, and poultry biosecurity plans, as listed below:

  • Develop a protocol for cataloging, reviewing, and approving biosecurity plans.
  • Digitize hand-drawn premise maps into GIS map files via an RABapp™ map making tool.
  • Receive, curate, and integrate animal movement data with biosecurity plans and GIS maps.

Our Mission: Before foreign animal diseases (FADs) are introduced into disease-free countries such as the U.S., it is vital to catalogue and review biosecurity measures from individual farms throughout the industry, prioritize effective biosecurity measures, and integrate this information with animal movement data in a readily accessible and manageable user-friendly database. The RABapp™ database provides rapid access to the status of farm biosecurity plans and helps regulatory agencies harmonize effective response and recovery strategies.

Team Members: The Machado Lab belong to the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology in the NC State College of Medicine. The team is working to prepare for and combat endemic livestock diseases and help states nationwide build capacity for responding effectively to major biological threats and protecting the U.S. food supply.


Metric Title
Estimating the effectiveness of control actions on African swine fever transmission in commercial swine populations in the United States
Sykes, A.L. Galvis, J.A., O’Hara, K.C., Corzo,C., Machado, G
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Metric Title
Modeling between-farm transmission dynamics of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus: Characterizing the dominant transmission routes
Jason A.Galvis, Cesar A.Corzo, Joaquín M.Prada, Gustavo Machado
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Metric Title
The between-farm transmission dynamics of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus: A short-term forecast modelling comparison and the effectiveness of control strategies
Galvis JA,Jones CM,Prada JM,Corzo CA,Machado, Gustavo
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
Modelling the transmission and vaccination strategy for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Galvis JA,Corzo CA,Prada JM,Machado, Gustavo
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases