
  • Event
    Course Material
  • Assignment
    Assignment # 1 - Introduction to disease spread (Dealine 05/12/2023) released!
  • Due
    05/12/2023 08:00
    Introduction to disease spread
  • Assignment
    Assignment # 2 - Use of data to prepare against FMD (Dealine 05/19/2023), paper link listed below released!
  • Due
    05/19/2023 08:00
    Use of data to prepare against FMD
  • Assignment
    Assignment # 3 - Recognize routes of transmission (Deadline 05/25/2023 released!
  • Due
    05/25/2023 08:00
    Recognize routes of transmission
  • 05/29/2023 09:00
    Welcome and introduction


    1. Brief discussion of the critical content of an FMD contingency plan (and related control strategies).
    2. An overview of the regional antigen bank, BANVACO.
    3. Review the emergency resource storage management system in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (10-15 minutes).
  • 05/29/2023 14:00
    Essential concepts of disease transmission modeling

    Revisiting FMD and response plans:

    1. Review the importance of response plans in outbreak events.
    2. Introduction to disease transmission models.
    3. Application of simulation models in the design and revision of control strategies.
    4. Integration of model outputs in an outbreak event.
  • 05/30/2023 08:00
    Essential concepts of disease transmission modeling

    Introduction to Rstudio installing R/Rstudio and MHSpread

    The whole game: why R and Rstudio?

    1. Installation of R, Rstudio, packages.
    2. Review the architecture of MHASpread.
    3. Load the MHASpread package and set the environment.
    4. Define initial conditions.
    5. Select the initially infected farm.
    6. Export and interpret outputs, including numeric summaries and plots.
  • 05/30/2023 14:00
    Essential concepts of disease transmission modeling

    Simulating FMD epidemics with and without countermeasures.

    Select the initial infection condition (with your own data)

    1. Seed infections and simulate disease spread (epidemic size).
    2. Simulate control and eradication actions (vaccination, depopulation, movement restrictions).
    3. Export and interpret outputs.
  • 05/31/2023 14:00
    Day off

    Read the papers for discussion and/or work on your (country) data (subject to change). .

  • 06/01/2023 09:00
    Simulating FMD epidemics with and without countermeasures

    Simulate FMD introduction and spread from swine, bovine, and small ruminant populations

    1. Seed infections and estimate epidemic trajectories.
    2. Implement control and eradication actions.
    3. Extract model outputs for decision-making.
    4. Using the model outputs, propose the next steps for elimination.

    Simulation of alternative control scenarios

    1. Change control zone sizes.
    2. Contact tracing of movement networks.
    3. Increase the duration of control zones and surveillance activities.
  • 06/01/2023 14:00
    Revisiting key concepts of disease transmission modeling and hosting an FMD transmission and control expert opinion panel

    Expert opinion will be used to select and adjust transmission parameters in various scenarios (i.e., estimates on the time intervals for laboratory confirmation after detection of infected facilities and for starting the depopulation protocol).

  • 06/02/2023 09:00
    Participants present their key outputs

    Control plans for foot-and-mouth disease.

    1. Based on the simulations you have run, what would you revise about your current FMD contingency plan?
    2. Final discussions.