Lecture Lecture Summary

0. FMD model reading

Read paper describing the model you will use in this workshop

Suggested Readings:

1. PANAFTOSA presentations

FMD vaccine regional bank and the situation of FMD in Latin America
[Banco Regional de Antígenos de Fiebre Aftosa - BANVACO] [FMD epidemiology] [FMD control strategies]

2. MHASpread workshop welcome introductions

Use of transmission models to simulate the spread of livestock diseases.

Suggested Readings:

3. Importance of the response plan in outbreak events

The use of data and models

Suggested Readings:

4. Revisiting foot-and-mouth disease epidemiology

Past FMD in Brazil

Suggested Readings:

5. Gentle introduction to transmission models

Math modelling

Suggested Readings:

6. How simulation models can help to design and update of control actions

How simulation models can help to design and update of control actions strategies

7. Modeling foot-and-mouth disease dissemination in Brazil Evaluating the effectiveness of control measures

Foot-and-mouth disease dissemination in Brazil Evaluating the effectiveness of control measures